Surveillance is Our Specialty
Workers compensation/Self-insured injury claims
Subrogation recovery
Domestic disputes
Employee theft
Non-compete agreement verification
Labor disputes
Drugs in the workplace
Fidelity verification
Cole Investigative Agency has the people and the equipment to get the job done right!
Approximately 85% percent of all surveillance contractors conduct surveillance out of their own personal vehicles. In these times of heightened awareness, it's nearly impossible to conduct surveillance in this manner without being spotted. Cole Investigative Agency utilizes a state-of-the-art surveillance van that fits into any neighborhood. We get results where others can't! Give us a try, and you will not be disappointed! Call for a no-obligation quote.

Ask Yourself These Questions
Are you satisfied with the performance of your current surveillance contractor?
Are they using custom-designed covert surveillance vans?
Are they using state-of-the-art digital video surveillance and recording equipment?
Is their work product prepared in a professional manner that will stand up in court?
Can they respond to your surveillance assignments on a last-minute basis, even on out-of-town cases?
Are their investigators professionally trained in advanced surveillance techniques and educated on the laws that govern surveillance operations?
Are you or your clients able to speak directly with the field investigator during the surveillance operation?
Do you routinely get the desired results?
Are you getting your money's worth?
Are you getting your client's money's worth?
If you can't answer 'YES' to all of these questions, you need Cole Investigative Agency.