High Profile Clients
Prominent Client Service Specialists
If you or your spouse is a public figure, celebrity or politically active, you have special consideration when faced with issues like infidelity, divorce, asset discovery, child support and visitation or alimony issues to name just a few. We understand that discretion and confidentiality are as important to you as quality of our investigation. We also know that it is difficult to entrust the handling or your situation to a stranger and that you have more than likely never worked with a private investigator before.

We’re here to walk you through this difficult process and to ensure that you understand what CIA can do for you. Your case will be assigned to one of our Prominent Client Service Specialists who will help to educate you and give you the attention you deserve, and as always, with strict confidentiality. There’s no need to worry about embarrassment or anonymity. Your business remains yours when you choose CIA.
Cole Investigative Agency is known for its ability to provide exceptionally high quality investigations, discreetly and in total confidence, anywhere you need them conducted.
Cole Investigative Agency has had the privilege of serving some of America’s highest profile individuals including professional athletes, business leaders, and wealthy families.
Why do so many prominent individuals and their attorneys turn to CIA to solve their problems discreetly and accurately? Because we deliver results! Our investigators have the training, state of the art equipment, experience and planning to make the right decisions at the right time.
Some of the services that frequently provide for our prominent services clients include the following:
Alimony and cohabitation investigations
Asset Searches
Background investigations
Computer forensics